5 Myths about sunscreens

We all know how crucial sunscreen is when it comes to skincare. But even today, there are a lot of misconceptions floating around regarding the usage and effectiveness of the product.

So, we are here to debunk some of the most common sunscreen and skincare myths:

Myth 1# You don’t need to use sunscreen during cloudy days.

If you’re stepping outside, you need to apply sunscreen. Even if it’s rainy or cloudy. This is because the clouds don’t block the harmful UVA and UVB rays from penetrating your skin. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, clouds filter less than 25% of the UV rays that penetrate your skin to cause skin cancer. Even though you may feel cooler on a cloudy day, your skin will still absorb a majority of the UVA and UVB rays. Bottom line, never skip sunscreen, regardless of the weather.


Myth 2# You can’t get sunburned while you’re in the water.

This is completely false. UVB rays can still penetrate water, especially if you are in shallow water. In addition, sunlight can reflect off the water leading to increased UV exposure to parts of your body that are not immersed in water. This results in sunburn. Similarly, car windows aren’t effective either when it comes to sun protection. While the glass might be able to block UVB rays, you still need to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from UVA rays.

Myth 3# A sunscreen with super-high SPF lasts all day long.

Using a high SPF just once a day isn’t going to cut it. SPF numbers are based on how much the sunscreen will block UVB rays from damaging your skin over a period of two hours. After that, the effectiveness of the protection decreases dramatically. This leaves your skin vulnerable to overexposure to the harmful UV rays. Always re-apply sunscreen every two hours while you are exposed to the sun. Moreover, note that a normal sunscreen only offers protection against UVB rays. So, opt for one that mentions ‘broad-spectrum’ on the label. A broad-spectrum sunscreen will effectively protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.


Myth 4# You can only get skin cancer on body parts that are exposed to the sun.

While it’s true that you are more likely to develop skin cancer on the exposed parts of your body, it can develop in other parts of your body too. This includes places you don’t suspect, like soles of your feet or underneath your nails. Although sun exposure is a major contributing factor to most types of skin cancer, it is not the only factor. Various other factors, like your genes, can play a role in the development of melanoma — which is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. So, if you see a suspicious looking spot on a part of your body that doesn’t get much sunlight, don’t disregard it. Make sure you seek a professional medical opinion.

Myth 5# You won’t get skin cancer as long as you use sunscreen.

No sunscreen offers complete protection, no matter how high the SPF. There is no single sunscreen that can block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. This is why it’s important to wear protective gear such as sunglasses, loose protective clothes, and hats — to reduce the risk of a sunburn. In addition, stay in the shade as much as possible. And avoid sun exposure during peak hours — between 11am and 3 pm.

Other than that, don’t forget to apply sunscreen over commonly overlooked areas like your back, feet, ears and hairline.

And lastly, don’t use expired sunblock or sunscreen. It’s not only ineffective but might also damage your skin.